This Is America Reactions
Nicole Arbour is a name that may have popped up on your Twitter feed recently and left you wondering, who is she? And more importantly, why are people talking about her? According to her social media, she’s a comedian, motivator, recording artist, creative director and business Barbie.
Sacha Baron Cohen always seeks a reaction — and he usually gets one. He’s a modern-day provocateur. A real-life Internet troll, only with a social conscience and a good agent. It seems that someone couldn’t take the strong reactions to her tone-deaf, ill-timed, devoid of any season or flavor-esque attempt at social commentary, and decided an explanation was needed.
Arbour is a popular Canadian YouTuber who likes to gain attention by posting controversial and ignorant YouTube videos in the name of comedy and likes.
Many of us didn’t know who Nicole Arbour was a week ago.
Keep that same energy.
— April (@ReignOfApril) May 14, 2018
Her first ignorant video that gained her momentary fame was called Dear Fat People, and it shamed fat people. It was a six-minute rant of her making fun of fat people. It’s a gross video that is not only riddled with ignorance in health and obesity, but it’s just not funny. A lot of her humor is making fun of people for just not pulling themselves up despite their environment and lack of privilege.
She’s pulled a similar stunt to get her name out there again with Childish Gambino’s titular music video for “This Is America.” Arbour recreated the music video and dubbed it the women’s edit. People are upset that Arbour, a white woman, would take the liberty of transforming Childish Gambino’s music video that was commentary about the black experience in America, into something so tone deaf.
“Glover has made a choice to embrace blackness in all of its aspects, even if that also includes our blood staining the concrete of America,” Ira Madison III wrote for the Daily Beast. “It may revolt us, but it’s not a horror of his creation. The horror invented him.”
“This is what it’s like, Glover’s video seems to say, to be black in America—at any given time, vulnerable to joy or to destruction,” Doreen St. Féllix wrote for The New Yorker. “When his character is not dancing, he is killing.””
It’s not that art can’t be made into parody, but there is a lack of understanding on Arbour’s part as to why this music video has caused so much buzz, think pieces and discussions. It genuinely seems like she just remade the video because it’s being talked about and had a total disregard as to WHY it’s being talked about.
Her women remake tried to address surface level women’s issues about the societal pressure to look pretty, never aging, the wage gap and cheating men. The way she tries to tackle these topics is done in a quintessential “white feminist” way. She totally disregarded the complex symbolism and detail in Childish Gambino’s original video. Everything down to Gambino’s dance moves was rooted in black culture. While Arbour just flailed on screen and tried to connect NFL Cheerleaders making less money than the players to the mass shooting of black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.
Gambino’s video was highly detailed and everything had a subtle meaning relating to the black experience and her’s was simply surface level, which came off as disrespectful and ignorant because it was. It has a very similar level of white woman ignorance as Kendall Jenner’s scrubbed-from-the-internet Pepsi commercial.
Nicole Arbour's 'This is America' parody is proof white people think black pain & oppression is funny. They're constantly joking about things they dont experience because they lack empathy. They laugh at our pain & deny our oppression, while stealin our culture for money. #Evil
— Blerd-ette & AnimeOtaku (@AnimeOtaku1723) May 13, 2018
She addressed the widespread backlash by a notes app screengrab that she shared on Instagram.
“When did sampling, remixing, parody, or satire fall into stealing? And if it does, woul that mean Jay Z and Kanye using The Doors on The Takeover was something we should all be upset over? Nah. Because art is art and when we as a society start putting rules on it, we’re in trouble. Do your thing, make remake and express.”
Based on her not apologizing she doesn’t get why people are actually upset or what cultural appropriation is. I sacrificed myself to write this and give her one view, so you don’t have to.
Childish Gambino – This Is America REACTION
Hello Everyone this is Thanos and I welcome you all in our reaction web page for trending no 1 Youtube video Childish Gambino – This Is America.
Note : This video contain most highlights user reaction which they show via text on social media. It might contain some hate or abusive too for which we are not responsible.
Today I visit YouTube trending page and with 48 M hits the trending no 1 video is Childish Gambino – This Is America. And the credit goes to all of you for watching liking and sharing the video.
Here are some most Highlight Response from Twitter Fans
1 @theREALamarillo
#donaldglover is a way ahead of this world !!!, I am totally impress Childish Gambino – #ThisIsAmerica
2. @businessinsider

he used to be my hero… and now everything he has ever done just doesn’t mean anything anymore. it’s all lies now.
sigh. #ThisIsAmerica i guess…
Post From Facebook
1.Dallas Goldtooth
Some genius sh*t right here.
This is what I see. Gambino’s video is a statement on America – A society obessed with black culture (and black entertainment) while also equally obessed with ignoring the racial violence and injuctice that black folks endure.
America doesn’t mind the appropriation of black culture as long as the thieving act doesnt interfere or redirect the attention towards the diminishment and/or taking of black lives.
On another note: There’s agency in the artists statement itself. A self-awareness that most people of color within the belly of beast that is America innately understand – we know how we are seen, mostly because in many instances, our very lives depend on knowing how we are seen. And so to take control of that, to spin those assumptions and visualisations on their heads is a tremendous act of agency. So props to that.
2. Hip Hop Remedy
For those who don’t know about Donald Glover/Childish Gambino this is the joint that got us to start believing last year.
This Is America 2 Reactions
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